Thursday, November 13, 2014

Saturday Market at the Montessori

Our Market Schedule
Saturday November 15 @
Montessori School -1618 Tower Grove Ave
November 22 @ Schlafly Microbrewery

There has been a lot going on here. So much so that I have even less time than normal to write about it. One good thing however, a November lamb was born on the farm this week. Flora and her ewe lamb are doing well despite a difficult birth and the cold weather.

Saturday we will be at the Montessori School- 
1618 Tower Grove Avenue, NOT IN THE PARK

We will be bringing;
 Lamb; Chops, Ribs, Steak, Stew Meat- bone in and boneless, we have Leg of Lamb Roasts and don't forget to order for
the Holiday meal.
Spicy Greens Mix
The ducks have NOT been laying but I have been smoking up some tomatillos for salsa. Grab some Cherry Serrano Pepper Jelly for your celebration dinner. Good for a glaze or a appetizer over cream or Chevre cheese.
God's Blessings on you and yours,
Sam and Bill

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