Thursday, July 30, 2020

A Better Week

Market List; Perpetual Forager Salad Mix
A mixture of Perpetual Spinach, Lambsquarter, Wood Sorrel, Kale, 
Swiss Chard, Lettuce, French Sorrel and Violet leaves. 
French Sorrel by the bunch, Tomatoes, Yard Long Beans, Lemon Cucumbers and Tomatillos
Grass Fed Lamb, Free Range Chicken Eggs and Cayuga Duck Eggs
We may have some Kentucky Wonder Pole beans

It's been a better week. We've had a great volunteer start and return 3 times and another starting tomorrow. 
This is Ginger helping to lay Flower Netting in the Tomatillos. We use this to hold up the tomatillos to make them easier to pick. After you weave them through, they stay higher up off of the ground. She's helped with weeding, tying up tomato plants and laying Landscape fabric. 

Also something exciting; Kim Carr Photography has been taking pics of our Cayuga Ducks and St. Croix sheep for her book on Endangered Livestock Species. We've been all over Instagram and you can view them on her website. It's been pretty amazing. Here are some of the pics that she's forwarded on to me. 

We should have about 3x as many tomatoes this week but that being said; if anyone has any of my jars that they'd like to return, that would be amazing. It's been almost impossible to find jars out there. I guess there's still an issue with the Pandemic and people being afraid there won't be any food this winter. All the canning supplies have disappeared in the stores. So if you have any cluttering up your shelves, now would be a great time to bring them back. 

So speaking of the Pandemic, I understand that the market will be reorganized again this weekend. Some of us will be facing the grass and some will be facing the Square. Seems pretty crazy to me but that's the newest word. So we'll see you Saturday. Cooler weather and more variety. Look for us on the grass or off. Who knows? Not me. 

God's blessings on you and yours, 


Sam and Bill 

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