Saturday, April 4, 2020

Moving Through the Changes

Drop List:
 Non GMO and Free  Slow Food Cayuga Duck and Chicken Eggs 
   Egyptian Walking Onions
Smoked Tomatillo Salsa
Baby Kale-a mix of Red and Scottish Blue

We will be doing a Drop tomorrow(Sunday) at 1:30 PM but there will not be one next weekend as it's a Holiday. You can email me for further details; . 

It seems like Tower Grove Farmers Market will be opening on May 2nd. It will look and operate very differently than we are used to but we will just have to bear with it until the crisis passes. The Vendors will be spaced at 10 ft. intervals. I'm not sure how we will negotiate this as we aren't allowed on the grass but I am sure that they will have a plan in place. There will be many things for which we will need to be ready; For instance, everything will need to be bagged ahead of time. I'm sure they will allow us to put out something of each variety but only the bagged items will be allowed to be purchased. So it will be important to check your vendors' websites for what's available. There will be no cash transactions. So I'm trying to figure out Venmo and I am encouraging my customers to download it to their phone. Both parties have to have it or it won't work. This will cut down on fees and help keep the germs down from passing cash. Also we will only be able to use the tap option for cards. No handling of phones allowed. It's all very weird to me, lol but I'm very grateful that we will be allowed to open. There is talk of a 2 hour later ending time for the Market to make up for having to monitor how many are allowed in a queue at a time. This will make for a very long day especially for vendors like Amy of 3 Rivers who gets there at 5 in order to have her major bounty unloaded and ready on time. Most of us travel around an hour so by the time we allow an hour and a half set up time, an hour break down etc. it's a 11+ hour day when we get home and unloaded. For those who come further and have more -even longer. So there will be a few kinks to work out but we will just have to do it together. 
It will alter our booth even more. Until the crisis is over, I'm sure that they will not want us serving drinks. This will be the  first year that we haven't had Lemonade and Tea. Again, very strange but a small thing considering. 
So that's all the updates for now except for the 13 lambs that were recently born on the farm. Check out our Instagram feed for info on this. @sunflowersavannahfarm 

Stay Well, 

God's blessings on you and yours, 


Bill and Sam 

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