Thursday, September 17, 2015

In Which a Wwoofer comes to visit Sunflower Savannah

Market list- Lamb, Ground, Shanks, Stew-Bone and Boneless, Leg of and Shoulder Roasts, Chops, Steaks, Organ Meat, Marrow Bones,
Rainbow Cherry Mix Tomatoes, Tomatillos and Lemon Cucumbers
No Salad Mix this week, so sorry-

Exciting news! This week we had a Wwoofer land on our farm. For those of you who don't what a Wwoofer is; there is a World Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms network. The volunteers of this organization exchange helping out on the farm for knowledge and room and board. It's a good way to meet knew people, learn about differing growing practices(as long as they are Organic and Sustainable)and of course travel. As the name says, it is world wide so you could work in Chile, Hawaii, Bombay. The world is your farming oyster. The volunteers are called Wwoofers. Of course, this is a extra pair of hands for whatever, some extra muscle and hopefully everyone benefits.
This is Wwoofer Max from CA on a break from college and looking for some farm experience before he settles down to school again. Today we cleared 2 rows of the garden. Him on one side, pulling up gigantic sunflowers, me on the other pulling up, smaller stuff, tying up tomatoes etc.
Yesterday, he cleared this raised bed which freed me up to tie up more tomatoes, pick tomatillos, okra and move sprinklers around.
One of the things that Max wants to learn while here is to drive the tractor. This week, trusty Rusty was tilling our front field for fall and cover crops. We had decided to wait until Bill got home to start this lesson and on the next pass on the field, Rusty reports that the Clutch is out on the tractor. Sigh... I was really panicking for a minute until we saw the clutch line on the ground. Luckily it turned out to be something simple and a trip to the tractor store got us back on track. We sowed turnips and crimson Clover in that field. Tomorrow hopefully we sow beets and planting the Slow Food Heirloom fruit trees out of the high tunnel and into the field is on Bill and Max's List.
Courtney is off this week for a band competition, stop by on Saturday and say hi to Max.

God's Blessings on you and yours,


Sam, Bill and Max

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