Thursday, July 17, 2014

Help the Garden has Imploded!

For the last few years, everyone has complained that it has not been a good year for tomatoes. I don't think that will be the case this year. A few days ago, I told Vicki Lander of Flower Hill Farm that my tomatoes had grown a foot since the big rain we got Monday before last....and I think they have grown a foot each way since then. This is a pic of a row of tomatoes and Tomatillos as far as the eye can see. A high expectation for this season will be one of the new tomatoes we tried this year, the Japanese Black Trifele. Beautiful disease free plants are just loaded with tomatoes that are actually shaped like a Bartlett pear. We haven't gotten any ripe yet but they are looking like a good producer especially for an heirloom. It will be a great year for Tomatillos too. Looking forward to some Smoked Tomatillo Salsa.

Finally this week though, I have gotten some of my favorite Paul Robeson's and about 6 of another new tomato from Wild Boar Farm, the Tie Dye Berkley.

Tie Dye Berkley
I am telling you that they are amazing.
 This is an actual picture of one I picked today.
It weighs a little over a pound. Mainly the reason it's is amazing is because it's taste and texture is similar to a Paul Robeson. Ha! They are listed in Baker Creek as an Heirloom but really they are an Open Pollinated as the have only been developed by Brad Gates in the last few years. A outstanding one to be sure but still not an Heirloom. The stems are thick and sturdy and have lots of blooms.

Market List

Sassy Summer Mix Greens- Lambs Quarter, Kale, Red Mustard, Wood Sorrel and Swiss Chard

Zesty Greens- Red Mustard and Arugula

Lamb - Chops, Steak, Organ, Stew and Marrow bones

Bouquets- Sunflowers(of course), Dahlia, Zinnia and RED HOT POKERS

This is a tomato that grew in my raised greens bed. It washed out of a tray that we had tomato plants in and grew on its own. Its about 5 ft. tall which is bigger than any other plants we had started ahead of it. This is in Route 66 Compost.

Well we'll see you on Saturday. Shouldn't be too hot but stop by and get some Lemonade anyway.

God's Blessings on you and yours,


Sam and Bill

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