Thursday, May 23, 2013

Come Out of Your Shell

Sustainable Lawn Mowers

Many of you are missing out on trying some incredible tomato varieties. I have not sold one Sara Black which I was very excited about being a striped "black" tomato. This is what one review from Baker Creek said about them; " I grow for a local farmers market and added Sara Black to my line up about three years ago. It not only is my favorite tomato, but the customers go crazy over it. It tastes great, is very attractive, is productive, and keeps well. Size varies from baseball size up to over a pound."
Now Diane D. one of my favorite customers told me I needed to let you all know what Baker Creek Seed (which is based here in Missouri) says about the tomato she requested that we grow this year, Cour Di Bue;" This Oxheart type Italian heirloom has been a favorite in Italy for many years. Beautiful 12-oz. fruit have a delicious sweet taste; similar to the shape of a heart; great for fresh eating or cooking. Large vigorous vines. Hard to find."

Cour di Bue Pantano RomanescoPantano Romanesco
One more variety that I think is being overlooked is the Pantano Romanesco described as large and are deep red with almost a purple tint. The flesh is very rich, flavorful and juicy. An excellent tomato for home and market gardeners; very rare and delicious." We have large sturdy plants of these for your garden.  As with all of our plants and produce, we are Certified Naturally Grown. CNG is a program that applies all the same stricture as Organic and sometimes is even more stringent than the requirements for the Organic label. This is a Farmer ran organization for people who want the public to know how dedicated they are to producing safe food without being chained to a desk with government paperwork. Our barns, fields, soil, water supply, seed orders and practices are inspected yearly. We buy seed only from companies like Baker Creek which is not only a local Missouri business but one that started and continues safe seed practices while fighting for eradication of Genetically Modified Organism seed (GMOs)and labeling thereof. 
Come to Tower Grove Market tomorrow Saturday to discuss these practices, buy some tomato plants and have some of the best lemonade in St. Louis. We'll have some more Lambs quarter, green onions, fresh spearmint and cilantro. Come by and say hi to Billy, he's in town for the weekend.
God's Blessings on you and yours,
Sam and Billy

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