Thursday, April 26, 2012

A Change in Menu

So we have had a big response to what can now only be described as another Crop Mob. Mike Brabo of Vesterbrook Farm(  has gathered about 13 people that he is bringing to plant etc on Saturday and the group from the Concord Church who are coming for farm maintenance is now totaling 18. Add to that, Vicki Lander and the Famous Julie Holley both formerly of Earth Dance, Billy and myself and you've got yourself a Dirt-ay Part-ay. I am so blessed.
One little glitch in the proceedings... As everyone knows from the last posting, the menu was supposed to be an elegant quiche and spring salad. This was a choice based on 2 weekends sans markets and all those things, as Charli says I have laying around from my chickens and ducks that were crowding up my refrigerator. Well last night my oven went out. Kinda hard to make quiche with out an oven. SO the new menu is Egg Salad Sandwiches with fresh greens. Sorry if anyone is disappointed but everything is still fresh, most local and no reheating necessary.
We will be planting tomatoes, peppers, okra, beans and maybe filling raised beds on Saturday. Sunday will be grape pruning, sapling removal, weeding, more raised beds and Vicki will probably be planting flowers.
Everyone wear their protective clothing and gloves. We tilled the garden so if it rains tomorrow it will be soggy. Boots may be appreciated. If anyone has clippers they are more than welcome to bring them.

I will be picking up Billy in the morning.

How to get here:

Take 44W to Exit 247/Union
Follow Hwy 50W Approximately 17 miles

when you see the Phillips 66 in Beaufort on L, slow down
Turn R on 185N just past Voss Conoco Building.

Go 9/10ths of a mile. Turn R at grey 2 story house with mobile home in front.
If you get to Lutheran Church Road, you've gone too far.

Any questions, call 573-259-1533

Come on out and support Local Food.

Who's YOUR Farmer?


Sam and Bill

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