Thursday, October 30, 2014

Small Farm Trade Show and Saturdays Market

So the Small Farm Show definitely has seen better days but still there was much to take away. This year, the show was held in Mexico, Mo instead of Columbia like it has always been. It was held at the Regional Stockyards and we were not sure how it would go over...
We went to talk about Slow Food. Setup was a challenge but we managed to get up the literature for the over 200 Foods that are disappearing from just the US alone. This is a picture of Royce H. looking at the gate display of the USA Ark of Taste. 


One of the exciting things about the show was that on the first day there was an auction on site. We were looking for a couple of ewes to add to our flock. While we attended the sheep and goat part of the auction, we were astounded to see that all of the handling of the animals, in the ring door, out the other side and into the correct pens so their new owners could pick them up later, was done by some amazing boys. Some are in this pic, but I believe there was one more even smaller. Small Farm Today gave them the Blue Staff shirts.

Later we found out the man in the ring was their dad. These kids did such an amazing job in this day and age where kids are not expected to even make their beds.
 What's more, I heard not one word of complaint.
I tried to talk them out of their dog but no deal. I couldn't get a good picture of PARIS but she was something else.
So we had a talked to a lot of people about the disappearing foods and processing techniques on the Slow Foods Ark of Taste List, picked up the ewes we were looking for and we made some friends...even if they won't share their dog.
I spent today and yesterday and will probably spend most of tomorrow pulling all of the produce in before the Frost tomorrow night. It's coming people, I counted 21 Flocks of geese headed South for the Winter.
The market list will include;
Mixed Greens
Tomatillos- they are not as pretty because of the squash bugs right now but lots of purple ones
Beans- Kentucky Wonder and Purple Podded Pole and French  Beans
Salsa- Probably the last week for Salsa folks.
Basil- we have some beautiful Green and Red Genovese Basil
Lamb and Lamb- shank, ground, leg of, neck, Leg Steak, sirloin, chops, bone in and boneless stew.
It will be cold. but we will be there.
God's Blessings on you and yours.
Sam and Bill



1 comment:

Kelly Childs said...

Great stuff Sam! Thank you for going and representing Slow Food :). Wonderful pictures.