Thursday, September 18, 2014

Back to the Market

Saturday's Market List

Field Pea Mix- Purple Hull and Crowder Peas, some for shelling and some for snapping
Green Beans - some green some purple- mix and match them all for a mĂ©lange of textures and flavor
Heirloom Tomatoes- slowing down but just as good as before
Salty Dills
Zinnia Bouquets
Lamb- we are low on lamb right now, but are bringing a bit
Tomatillos, Tomatillos, Tomatillos...and going with that, Smoked Tomatillo Salsa-first of the season
Sam's Famous Salsa

The ducks are laying like crazy again and we have one sitting on a nest.
Bill will actually be at the market with me this weekend. So come by and say hi. Temperature is supposed to be about 86 degrees so stop in and get some of St. Louis's best Lemonade.

God's Blessings on you and yours


Sam and Bill

Blue Beauty Tomato

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