Monday, March 18, 2013

These Are a Few of My Favorite Things

This is my favorite time of the year. Yesterday we had our first lambs of the season. Of course Angelica waited until I ran out to Oklahoma to see Billy. As she was not a first time mom, everything went A-OK. So there were twin rams waiting when I got home last night.

Here is Angelica checking out her new baby
Bella Donna letting her displeasure of the new arrival be known

At first, the new lambs will go around from ewe to ewe hoping for a meal. As I've discussed before this is where the phrase- bummer lamb comes from. Although this generally means an orphan lamb, when there are a bunch of lambs in the barn, the ewes get distracted when they are eating and sometimes a different lamb than their own will bum a meal....however this is harder to pull off when you are the new and only lambs in town.
More are soon to come.

As we talked about in the last blog, we've got many things going on in the greenhouse. Here is Billy when he was home a couple of weeks ago using our flat filler to fill flats of organic potting mix for the seedlings we have started. I am at the end feeding the trays, the hopper disperses the mix, sends it up to drop down on the trays where the conveyor belt carries it under the brush which levels the trays off before it's taken off the tray. Speaking of my favorite things ...check out the guy with the Harley shirt and overalls.....
Well I guess that's it for now
God's blessings on you and yours
Sam and Bill

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