Well we have had 5 ewes lamb since Thursday. To your left is Belladonna one of my original flock. In fact the only one of my original flock. The twin on the left is a ram lamb and the one nursing is a ewe. Belladonna is a the only one of my ewes who has ever given me triplets.
As has been noted before, all of our Sheep are named after Flowers and Plants.

This is Belladonna again w/ Lily. Lily is a Jacob sheep, which means she has wool, notice the length of her fleece, even though it is wool it never gets matted or makes her uncomfortable in the heat. All of our other sheep are Hair sheep. They don't have wool they have a pelt that is thrown every summer when the new hair pushes out. They are grown most specifically for meat. Lily's twins are both ewe lambs this year. The fourth lamb is nursing on Belladonna's other side.
This is the remainder of my flock reminder minus Flora the Dorper ewe pictured in last weeks blog. Left to right is Jasmine, Dahlia, who has a set of twins not shown, Angelica and Magnolia, in the back is Rosemary and Marigold and a bit of Daisy in the very front. Notice the smoothness of their coats in relation to Lily's.
This is my friend Sal to whom we named last weeks 1st lamb Sal-via. She is w/Lily's lambs who got confused by Sally's black and white tennis shoes and black pants and thought she was their mother who you see off in the background eating.
From last week, Flora a Dorper/St. Croix Cross, Salvia and her brother.
Iris in the background w/her twins
Magnolia is due any day now and then Rosemary, Marigold and Angelica in another 3 weeks or so then Daisy in about 2 months. Then the suspense will be over for another year.
This is my favorite time of the year. If only my husband were home from Dallas to experience the intrigue.
A little note, we will not be at St. Johns Market next week as my husband will be home for the weekend and we will be catching up on farm and home stuff.
We will see you at Schlafly the last Saturday in February, the 25th.
Sam and Bill
Great crop of lambs! Here's hoping we have an equally successful tomato harvest in 2012
YAY! Looking good!
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