Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Season Surrender

Last week there was another threat of frost in Beaufort so we went out and gathered the largest tomatoes again and the ones that were turning of course. We left the smaller on the vines just in case of no frost which of course it didn't. 
The tomatillos were by picked by my mom, my nephew Andrew, my niece Scout(who by the way was not thrilled)and Bill who came home for the weekend. I mostly stood around and pointed as directed by my orthopaedic. We got 2 baskets like this and ended up w/a bunch more charred and smoked salsa. Scout and Andrew did the husking and didn't mind too awfully as they watched Shrek 2 AGAIN while doing it.
This is a basket of Amana Orange tomatoes that finally started giving up the tomatoes about a month ago and have produced more than any other Heirloom that we planted this year. It took awhile as we were late getting them in but when they finally did...WOW! Huge and velvety smooth texture. We will grow them again for those low acid lovers
Amazingly enough for this time of year, there are still tomatoes and tomatillos in the garden. Of course since they took so long, I guess it's only fair that they hang around a bit.  
In my previous post, I promised lamb at the market for last weekend. If any of you showed up for it, I apologize as we were not there. I have another cracked vertebrae and needed to take it easy, hence the pointing during the harvest. We should be there this weekend and we do have some wonderful looking lamb, a new Autumn Pear and Apple Chutney and our usual yummy salsas and Cherry Serrano Pepper Jelly. Don't forget, this will be the goodbye for the season to Sam"s Famous Salsa our Fresh uncooked Salsa. That is only made while there are fresh uncooked tomatoes. The other salsas can be made through the winter from tomatoes we have frozen during the season but not the Famous Salsa.  As many of you know, it's the last weekend before we will be going into the Winter Market which will only be once a month. Sunflower Savannah will also be at the Schlafly Winter Market on an alternate weekend. I will post a schedule for both in a later post.

So we will see you this weekend for the last of the Tower Grove Summer Market on Saturday 8:30 to 12:30.

Sam and Bill

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