Tomorrow is Wednesday, market day at Schlafly. The tomato plants are getting more lush all the time. If this heat wave continues, the greens will be fast over but for now we have plenty.
Available at the market this week will be our "Love Me Tender" salad mix. spinach and a Spicy Greens mix that you can stir fry or add to your salad. This Spicy mix includes Arugula, cress, mustard and some broccoli greens.
Gina has grown some Tan 0, an edible chrysanthemum used most frequently in Asian dishes. The flower is beautiful and can be consumed along w/the leafy stems. Pick some up tomorrow and try them.

Saturday starts the 2010 season at Tower Grove. Gina and I will be there w/all the tomato varieties, some eggplant and peppers, our granolas and it's time for lemonade again.
On Sunday we will be at Chandler Hill winery in Defiance Mo w/the above things and Gina will have some jewelery. Don't forget that Mother's Day is this weekend. Pick her up some plants or a pair of earrings from Gina's collection. Hope to see you at one of these places.
Sam, Bill and
Gina- Sunflower Savannah's new Farm Manager.
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