Market List;
GRASS FED LAMB, Garlic Scapes, Leeks, Spring Onions, Purple Podded Snow Peas, Forager Salad Mix, Blood Sorrel, Free Range Non GMO Chicken Eggs and Slow Food Cayuga Duck Eggs
Tomato plants to choose from; SunSugar, Violet Jasper, Sweet 100, Chocolate Cherry,
Black from Tula, Purple Carbon, PAUL ROBESON, Black Seaman, Norman Meiners, Blue Beauty, Pink Girl, Mortgage Lifter, Cherokee Green, Sweet Carneros, Green Zebra, Japanese Black, Better Boy, Lemon Boy, Early Girl, Tommy Toe, Pork Chop, Azoychka Russian, Caspian Pink -which has the flavor of Brandywine but way more productive, Bradley-one of the original Arkansas tomatoes, Amish Paste, Black Plum, Rutgers, Yellow Pear and Chef's Choice. I'm also bringing Cardoon, 2 Eggplant, Basil, Cilantro and Borage
This year we are trying to pay more attention to planting by the moon signs so this week when it was dry enough to make the beds in the garden we were down to one day left to plant above ground crops before the moon changed. Tuesday we planted 285 tomatoes, Kentucky Wonder Pole Beans, 3 kinds of peppers, a 200 ft. row of Lemon, Crystal Apple and Salt and Pepper Cucumbers, Sunflowers and Zinnias, It was a profitable day. Today we put up tomato fences and Monday we will plant potatoes again.
The temperature is really going to drop tomorrow and Saturday is going to be kinda chilly. I hope that everyone is finding our new spot. We are cattycornered from the food trucks on the corner of North and the Circle. It's a good spot. We'll see you there.
God's Blessings on you and yours,
Sam and Billy
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