Friday, February 10, 2017

Finally Back to Market

Saturday at the Montessori School on Tower Grove Ave                                                                                                                                                              

Market List;
Winter Salad Mix w/Spinach, Mache', Pak Choi, Kale, Mustard and Lettuce
Free Range, Non GMO Chicken Eggs,
Smoked Tomatillo Salsa,
Pecans and Pickles- but not together
3 varieties of Granola
Grass Fed Lamb

I've been very busy, sowing trays, ordering seed, potatoes and onions and working on our Slow Food Grant. This week I managed to find some time to pull some of the stuff  that I froze last summer out and made more Garlicky Chili Sauce and some jam that I call Summer Sweetness. It has grapes, wild and prune plums, strawberries, cherries and raspberries. It's delicious, tastes like what you would put into a cobbler. The ducks have started laying but so far, we only have a few eggs from them. I will bring them tomorrow.
Cortney and I are looking forward to going to market. It has been 2 months since we have seen your hungry, local food loving faces. The Market is from 9-1  but you know we will be there earlier.
God's  Blessings on you and yours,


Sam and Bill
Citrus project
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