Thursday, August 20, 2015

Really We DO have Tomatoes

Market List; Tomatillos, Lemon Cucumbers, Basil, Non GMO Slow Food Cayuga Duck Eggs and
Non GMO Chicken eggs.
It's a Sad fact this year that I planted more tomatoes than I ever have. Finally almost enough tomatoes for everything I do, for a change- or so I thought. We went to a seminar on a new planting technique that I was so excited about; How to make Six Figures Farming Method. I have come to the conclusion that the best way to make Six figures as a Farmer is to get a bunch of Farmers to pay you 40 bucks a piece to tell them how to make Six Figures... and then go home and relax.
No, seriously though, it has been disappointing so far tomato wise this summer even with the new planting technique. 6 weeks of pounding rain and we were lucky there was even a garden left. We finished our high tunnel late and barely got a planting in before it was too late. After the rains stopped, we picked most of the tomatoes off to let the plants recover and regroup. It's paying off but slowly. As you can see here in our high tunnel pics, our SunGolds are finally up to the ceiling of the High tunnel and are loaded as are the Thai Turtle Eggs out in the garden and the Berry Blues. But for all my Rainbow Cherry mix followers, it has been a sparse year so far. We have about 60 days left before frost. Hopefully it will pan out soon. So far we have not had any slicers for sale but I am ever hopeful as always and we had enough for Sam's Famous Salsa as well as Charred Tomatillo Salsa.
Many of you probably wonder after all these tales of woe that I post; what in the world do we do for fun around here and if in fact we actually do ever have any fun?
It's a well kept secret but we have the, as Vicki Lander of Flower Hill farm puts it, Best Swimming hole around for miles. A deep and clean Clay Pit Lake with Sandstone walls.
From May to October depending on Temperature we stop what we are doing and head for our own slice of Heaven.

This was taken off of the dock this afternoon. It was pretty chilly this week so I really had my doubts about the water temp but in desperation I took a chance. It was still surprisingly warm after a stressful day.

We usually try and get Jack and Vicki to come with us but when we look behind us, this is who is following. You see the ringleaders up front;                                     L to R-Flora, her daughter Sorrel, Angelica and her mother Magnolia, little Indigo who is Fea's son. They don't swim but they always have to go with. Lots of yummy pasture around Lake Heavenly Cove ya know.
So that is one more Sunflower Savannah mystery solved. The next one will be whether or not we see you at Tower Grove Farmers Market on Saturday. Stop by an let me know you read this blog.
Will see you there and hopefully with tomatoes soon.
 Get a cup of St. Louis's best Lemonade for just 2.00. It's the best deal at the market.
God's Blessings on you and Yours
Sam and Bill

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